Role of Early Intervention in Development of Social Communication in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jetelová Lenka 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Jetelová, Dr. Švandová – klinická logopedie, s. r. o., Banskobystrická 984, 621 00 Brno, Česká republika. E-mail: jetelova. le@gmail. com.
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2024; 8(2): 28-32
Main topic
In our practice as clinical speech pathologists, we are increasingly encountering children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). According to data from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR), there were 9,000 people diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder living in the Czech Republic in 2020. This number of patients has increased 3.3 times over 10 years. Increasingly often, children under the age of 3 years are coming under the care of specialists, such as clinical speech pathologists, clinical psychologists and early intervention centres, and our task is to provide them with early intervention.
The aim of this contribution is to summarise the basic information on the issue of social communication in children with ASD and to illustrate the effect of early intervention on the further development of the child, based on the results of three foreign meta-analyses/systematic reviews.
early intervention, social communication, autism spectrum disorder, autism, ASD
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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

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