Effect of Synergistic Reflex Therapy on the Development of Speech and Food Intake in Child with Central Hypotonia: a Case Report
Mazancová Andrea 1
Authors‘ workplace:
PhDr. Andrea Mazancová, Karlovarská krajská nemocnice a. s., Bezručova 1190/19, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Česká republika. E-mail: andrea. mazancova@seznam. cz.
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2024; 8(2): 40-46
Main topic
This case report aims at providing information on the possibilities of widening the classic interventions by using the Synergistic Reflex Therapy (SRT) concept. In this case, a female child patient with central hypotonia and dysphagia in the oral phase is presented. An important aspect during her treatment is the support of speech therapy methods, such as oral position therapy, basal stimulation and respiratory exercise by including SRT, which is provided several times per year in two-week sessions. Myofascial techniques, pressure points and reflex massages of the head were used, which led to relaxation/toning of the patient in a helpful way, so that our further therapy might be conducted more effectively.
central hypotonia, synergistic reflex therapy, early speech therapy intervention, dysphagia in childhood
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Clinical speech therapy General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

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