Mgr. Hlaváčová Simona
Authors‘ workplace:
Soukromá klinika LOGO s. r. o.
Published in:
Listy klinické logopedie 2022; 6(2): 27-33
Main topic
Dementia is a complex syndrome with a rapidly growing global incidence. It has a dramatic impact, not only on the life of the patient who has been diagnosed, but also on the lives of his or her loved ones. At the same time, the costs associated with dementia are significantly higher than the costs of other major diseases. Research confirms that the elimination of known modifiable risk factors can lead to a potential significant reduction in the incidence of dementia. In the absence of effective treatment, knowledge of the risk factors and primary prevention are essential measures for global public health. Risk factors are divided into modifiable and non-modifiable, according to the extent to which they are influenced by the individual's lifestyle. The following article gives an overview of these risk factors for dementia, according to the conclusions of current research, as well as recommendations for prevention.
dementia – prevention – Alzheimer‘s disease – Vascular dementia – risk factors
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Clinical speech therapy (Listy klinické logopedie)

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