Richard Sotorník
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2023; 162: 136-147
Review Article
Hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrine disease caused by an absence or insufficient production of parathormone. Parathormone deficiency leads to lower serum calcium concentration that is responsible for patients' neuromuscular symptoms. Conventional treatment consists of calcium and active vitamin D metabolites administration but doesn't constitute an adequate substitution of missing parathormone. Although the treatment substantially alleviates patients' troubles, chronic complications may develop because of hyperphosphatemia and conventional medication. Solution to this resides in recombinant parathormone administration, however the only one drug available is being now recalled from the market. The mainstay of hypoparathyroidism prevention is the judicious indication of total thyroidectomy representing the main cause of the disease.
calcium – hypocalcemia – phosphate – vitamin D – hypoparathyroidism – parathormone
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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