Wenzel Leopold Gruber (1814–1890)
Ondřej Naňka
Authors‘ workplace:
Anatomický ústav 1. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2015; 154: 95-97
History of Medicine
Gruber was born in Krukanice, a small village near to Pilsen on September 24, 1814. He started his medical studies in Prague at 1834. He became doctor of surgery in 1842, and in 1844 was conferred doctor of medicine. He was prosector of normal anatomy at the University of Prague in 1842–1847. Although qualified, he was unable to achieve a professorship in his native country. Therefore, in 1846, on the initiative of Pirogov, he was invited to become the first prosector for normal, practical, and pathological anatomy at the Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. From 1855, Gruber was entrusted the directorship of practical anatomy, remaining at that position for some 30 years. He died on September 30 1890 of stroke in Vienna. Gruber played an active role in the establishment of the anatomical-physiological institute in Petersburg and founded here a museum. As one of the most experienced and active anatomists, Gruber published, over a period of 41 years, almost 500 scientific works.
W. L. Gruber – descriptive anatomy – Petersburg
1. Kos J, Kos L. Anatom Václav Leopoldovič Gruber, představitel popisné anatomie minulého století. Plzeňský lékařský sborník 1964; 26: 185–189.
2. Archiv Univerzity Karlovy – katalogy studia z let 1833–1842.
3. Gruber W. Anatomia Monstri bicorporei. Dissertation. Prague 1844.
4. Matoušek O. Lékaři doby Purkyňovy: 29. Wenzel Gruber, anatom. Čas. Lék. čes. 1952; 91: 1023.
5. Hlaváčková L. Příspěvky k dějinám česko-ruských lékařských vztahů v prvé polovině 19. století. Část III. Styky českých a ruských lékařů v oblasti vědecké. Sborník lékařský 1978; 80: 86–95.
6. Ginzburg VV, Lev ID. Stranicy iz istorii otěčestvennoj anatomii. Ďejatělňost V. L. Grubera v Rosii. Arch Anat Gistol Embryol 1959; 37: 88–102.
7. Gruber W. Kurzer Bericht ueber die Feier des vierzigjaehrigen Dienst-Jubilaeums des Dr. Med et Chir. Wenzel Gruber, am 16/28 April 1887. St. Petersburg 1888.
8. Archiv Anatomického ústavu 1. LF UK – Gruberova knihovna.
9. Kos J, Kos L. Václav Gruber – západočeský rodák a slavný petrohradský anatom (1814–1890). Plzeňský lékařský sborník 1993, 66: 237–239.
10. Ginzburg VV, Lev ID. Věnceslav Leopoldovič Gruber. K 150-letiju so ďna rožděnija. Arch Anat Gistol Embryol 1964; 47: 112–120.
11. Gruber W. Verzeichniss der 1844–1887 veroeffentlichten Schriften von Dr. W. Gruber. St. Petersburg 1887.
12. Rex H. Wenzel Gruber +. Prager Medizinische Wochenschrift 1890; 15: 515.
Addictology Allergology and clinical immunology Angiology Audiology Clinical biochemistry Dermatology & STDs Paediatric gastroenterology Paediatric surgery Paediatric cardiology Paediatric neurology Paediatric ENT Paediatric psychiatry Paediatric rheumatology Diabetology Pharmacy Vascular surgery Pain management Dental HygienistArticle was published in
Journal of Czech Physicians

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