Double-balloon enteroscopy
M. Kopáčová
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, LF a FN Hradec Králové, 2. interní klinika
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2009; 148: 91-96
Review Article
Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) is a new technique, firstly published in 2001 by Yamamoto, inventor of this unexceptionable method. DBE allows complete visualisation, biopsy, and treatment in the small bowel. The procedure is safe and useful. The DBE has a potential to be a standard of enteroscopy by replacing conventional push enteroscopy. DBE together with the capsule endoscopy are the essential modalities for the management of small intestinal diseases.
Key words:
double-balloon enteroscopy, endoscopy, small intestine, endoscopic treatment.
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Journal of Czech Physicians

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