A man with dysthymia (with negative evaluation of allmost all through his live) induced depression in his sensitive spouse
Jeroným Klimeš 1; Zdeněk Adam 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Soukromá psychologická ambulance, Praha 9 – Újezd nad Lesy
1; Interní hematologická a onkologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2020; 66(7): 46-54
Case Report
Long lasting, low intensity depressive episodes have been diversely integrated according to the classifications types or the psychodynamic points of view. The concept of anxious persistent lasting depression, neurotic depressive states, neurotic depression have been unified into the dysthymic disorder category of the DSM classification. This concept unification have been a topic of dispute considering that dysthymic disorder was a restrictive, heterogeneous an extensively comorbid diagnosis. Nevertheless the definition of this category offers the opportunity to place the notions of temperament, personality, adjustment disorder. Including dysthymic disorders as a category inside of the mood disorders classification suggests the interest of using an antidepressive medication in presence of chronic depressive states not included in the major depressive disorder category. But the most important treatment is psychotherapy, because dysthymie is connected with pathologic cognition and interpretation of reality. This paper describes that dysthymia induced similar problems in the family members of dysthymic persons, and even induced somatic disorders in sensitive persons, as described in this paper.
dysthymia – anhedonia
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine
2020 Issue 7
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