Notes on the new “Recommendations for the treatment of dyslipidemia. Influencing of lipids to reduce cardiovascular risk”
Richard Češka
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum preventivní kardiologie III. interní kliniky 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2019; 65(12): 755-760
New guidelines on dyslipidemia (DLP) related problems appear earlier than planned. Primarily in view of the results of science and large clinical studies, but also with regard to the advent of biological therapy (PCSK9-i) in many European countries. Also, the “conventional” hypolipidemic therapy is generified and therefore cheaper, more affordable. The recommendations are based, as the preceding ones, on the principle of estimating the overall cardiovascular risk. The innovated SCORE tables are used for this, but more emphasis is placed on non-invasive diagnostics using imaging methods, be it carotid ultrasound or, in particular, non-contrast CT coronarography. Perhaps the most significant outcome is the reduction of LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) target values to 1.4 mmol/l and a 50% reduction of baseline LDL-C in patients belonging to the highest risk groups, and in secondary prevention. Moreover, in the case of “extreme” risk the goal is to reduce LDL-C below 1 mmol/l. Essential to DLP therapy is statin treatment. Especially in patients with acute coronary syndrome and those in the highest risk categories, the maximum tolerated doses of statin should be used, if necessary in combination with ezetimibe. Where this maximum “routine” treatment is insufficient to achieve the target values, PCSK9-i therapy is indicated. However the recommendations do not by any means omit non-pharmacological therapy, quite the opposite, it is always emphasized as the first step of DLP therapy. Worthy of notice is the introduction of the term “atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease” – ASCVD, which replaces the older and less accurate CVD.
ASCVD – dyslipidemia – ezetimibe – global CV risk – PCSK9-i – statins
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Internal Medicine

2019 Issue 12
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