The endocannabinoid system and interference with thrombogenesis

Authors: T. Kvasnička
Authors‘ workplace: Trombotické centrum, vedoucí prof. MU Dr. Jan Kvasnička, DrSc., Ústav klinické bio­chemie a laboratorní diagnostiky 1. lékařské fakulty UK a VFN Praha, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2010; 56(2): 127-129
Category: Reviews


The endocannabinoid system is an endogenous signaling system that plays a role in the regulation of energy homeostasis and lipid and glucose metabolism‑ all of which can influence cardiometabolic risk. The endocannabinoid system is normally a silent physiologic system that becomes transiently activated, that is, only when needed. Endocannabinoids may also be secreted by the endothelium. Accordingly, there has been interest in the interactions between endocannabinoids and blood cells. There is certainly evidence that endocannabinoids, especially 2‑ arachidonoylglycerol (2‑ AG), may promote platelet activation, indicating that they may participace in regulation of thrombosis and inflammation. Platelets are involved both in the metabolism and release of endocannabinoids, and so it is possible that their circulating levels may be regulated by platelets. 2‑ AG can be considered a new physiologic platelet agonist able to induce full platelet activation and aggregation with a non‑CB1/ CB2 receptor‑ mediated mechanism. Not only may endocannabinoids regulate platelet function and possibly lead to thrombogenesis, but they may also influence haematopoesis.

Key words:
endocannabinoids –  anandamide –  receptors CB1, CB2 –  platelets –  thrombosis –  endothelium


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

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Internal Medicine

Issue 2

2010 Issue 2

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