Duální inhibice cholesterolu prostřednictvím přípravku ezetimib/simavastatin (Inegy®) - nejsnadnější cesta k dosažení cílových hodnot LDL-cholesterolu?

Authors: H. Vaverková
Authors‘ workplace: III. interní klinika Lékařské fakulty UP a FN Olomouc, přednosta prof. MUDr. Vlastimil Ščudla, CSc.
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2007; 53(4): 421-427
Category: Reviews


The latest clinical intervention studies of statins have shown that more aggressive reductions in LDL-cholesterol to values lower than existing target values for persons with a high risk of cardiovascular disease produce greater success in terms of halted progression and even regression of the atherosclerotic process and fewer cardiovascular events. This has lead to a series of international and national recommendations for a further reduction in target values for LDL-cholesterol, which is often difficult to achieve with the usual dosage of statins. The combination of a statin with ezetimibe, acting as a dual inhibition mechanism against the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol, reduces LDL-cholesterol significantly more than treatment with a statin in monotherapy. This allows many more patients to achieve the target value for LDL-cholesterol. At present a drug combination comprising ezetimibe 10 mg and simvastatin in all doses (10, 20, 40 and 80 mg) is being introduced into our market under the company name Inegy®. In addition to reducing LDL-cholesterol by up to 61% this combination has a positive effect on a range of other parameters for lipid metabolism and inflamation. A typical initial dose of ezetimibe 10 mg/simvastatin 20 mg reduces LDL-cholesterol by around 50%, which is necessary for the stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaque. For patients requiring more aggressive reduction of LDL-cholesterol it is best to start with a dose of ezetimibe 10 mg/simvastatin 40 mg. The highest dose of 10 mg/80 mg is intended for patients with the highest level of risk and reduces LDL-cholesterol by around 60%. In all the studies that have been carried out so far, the combination of ezetimibe and statin was very well tolerated and the safety profile of this combination was the same a treatment with the statin alone. At present a wide range of large clinical studies are underway to test whether LDL-cholesterol reduction using the ezetimibe + statin combination will also lead to a lower risk of cardiovascular events.

Key words:
dyslipidemia – LDL-cholesterol – ezetimibe – cholesterol absorption inhibitor – statins – dual cholesterol inhibition


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine

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Internal Medicine

Issue 4

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