Perception of the psychological dimension of quality of life by seniors with chronic non-malignant pain
L. Pavlíčková; A. Cybulja
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2015, 4, č. 2: 70-73
Original Article/Study
Rating of quality of life is an ever more frequently mentioned phenomenon. The goal of our work was to evaluate chosen areas from the psychological dimension of quality of life in seniors living at social services facilities and who suffer from chronic non-malignant pain.
The prospective study was based on participative observation and objectivising proband testing using the WHOQOL-100 questionnaire. To evaluate the psychological effects of pain, the depression questionnaire according to Yesavage was used. The studied group involved 155 seniors (121 women and 34 men). Significant correlation was found between current quality of life ratings in the psychological dimension and recent occurrences of chronic non-malignant pain and depression. The most affected areas were the ability to focus (p=0.000) and feelings of sadness or depression (p=0.013). The results show that chronic non-malignant pain significantly influences how patients living in social services facilities rate the psychological dimension of their quality of life.
quality of life – WHOQOL-100 – elderly – social services – home for the elderly – chronic nonmalignant pain
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology

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