Bloodless clinical strategies for management of severe anaemia and hemorrhage
J. Slipac
Authors‘ workplace:
Canadian Medical s. r. o., Brno
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2021; 101(5): 240-250
Over the years, complex clinical strategies have been developed for managing patients who wish bloodless medical care, with an aim to minimize blood loss, conserve autologous blood, enhance haematopoiesis, and augment tolerance of anaemia. In this review, we discuss effective strategies in the setting of perioperative management, acute blood loss, trauma, and pregnancy. Under such approaches, patients with extremely low haemoglobin levels have survived and recovered without receiving allogeneic blood. Additionally, the valuable experience gained from bloodless care has paved the way to develop the concept of Patient Blood Management as a standard care to benefit all patients, and not only those for whom blood is not an option.
Hemorrhage – anaemia – bloodless clinical strategies – Patient Blood Management
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