Silver nanoparticles prepared by green synthesis and synergistic effect with antibiotic as the basis of nanoconstruct for the treatment of bacterial infections
M. Čížek 1,3; K. Sehnal 1,3,4; M. Dočekalová 3,4; M. Staňková 3,4; M. Gargulák 1,3; B. Hosnedlová 3,4; B. Ruttkay-Nedecký 1,4; R. Kizek 1,2,3,4
Authors‘ workplace:
Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, Farmaceutická fakulta, Ústav humánní farmakologie a toxikologie , Přednosta: Doc. MVDr. Pavel Suchý, Ph. D.
1; Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Polsko, Ústav biomedicínských a environmentálních analýz , Přednosta: prof. Dr. hab. Halina Milnerowicz, MD, Ph. D.
2; Prevention Medicals, s. r. o., Oddělení výzkumu a vývoje, Vedoucí: Ing. Miroslav Dosoudil
3; Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Zahradnická fakulta, Ústav vinohradnictví a vinařství, Vedoucí: doc. Ing. Mojmír Baroň, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2019; 99(4): 154-159
Of different specialties
Aim: The aim of the project was to design and verify the nanoconstruct as an innovative tool for effective targeting to the bacterial cell.
Methods: The SPIONs/Au/NPs/AB1/GF/AgNPsGS/APO/ATB construct consists of: A – a silver nanoparticle prepared by green synthesis using plant extracts (AgNPsGS); B – apoferritin (APO) with the encapsulated antibiotic (ATB); and C – a superparamagnetic gold nanoparticle modified with graphene sheet and antibody (SPIONs/Au/NPs/AB1/GF).
Results: The highest antibacterial effect (Staphylococcus aureus) was observed in AgNPsGS4 (Thymus serpyllum) at a concentration of 0.4 µg/mL. The effectiveness of encapsulation of the antibiotic into the nanometric structure of apoferritin was about 15% of the applied concentration. Dramatic inhibition of S. aureus was observed in the presence of the nanoconstruct. The biological effect of nanotransporter consists in two main mechanisms. AgNPsGS induce the formation of ROS, which subsequently leads to damage to the bacterial cell membrane and destruction of prokaryotic nucleic acid. In addition to the effect of AgNPsGS, the effect of encapsulated ATB is involved in the treatment of bacterial infection. This antibiotic can be appropriately selected according to the type of infectious disease. Furthermore, a significant synergistic effect of AgNPsGS and ATB also plays a role.
Conclusion: Due to the innovative and functional combination of the effects of AgNPsGS and ATB, a unique therapeutic nanosystem was created.
antibiotics – apoferritin – nanoconstruct – bacterial inhibition – AgNPs – green synthesis
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General Practitioner

2019 Issue 4
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