Can a short hospice stay be beneficial?
M. Kala
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí lékař: doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
; Hospic na Svatém Kopečku, Olomouc
; Ředitelka: Mgr. Zlatica Dorková, Ph. D.
; Ústav zdravotnických věd
; Fakulta humanitních studií
; Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(1): 36-37
Case Report
Many patients are referred to palliative hospice care in severe clinical condition with life expectancy of just several dozen hours. Short-term hospitalisation can hardly optimally fulfil the needs of the patients and their families and the demand placed on the nursing personnel is high. Three case reports are presented here in which the short-term hospitalisation was perceived by the families of the terminally ill patients both positively and negatively, and the causes of the opposite approaches to short-term hospitalisations are discussed. Prevention of the negative approach to these short-term hospitalisations is supported by systematic promotion of palliative hospice care and education of healthcare professionals in this area.
palliative care – short hospice stays – dying
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2017 Issue 1
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