Sleep problems of the elderly depending on the environment
J. Straková; P. Frolichová
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí: doc. PhDr. Miroslava Kyasová, Ph. D.
; Lékařská fakulta
; Katedra ošetřovatelství
; Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2015; 95(5): 211-214
Of different specialties
The elderly often leads to changes in sleep, typical is the feeling of decreased quality of sleep, prolonged time of falling asleep and early morning awakening. With regard to these aspects we realized a survey whose main objective was to explore the subjective view on the issue of sleep in seniors living in retirement homes and in their home environment. The data were collected by a questionnaire distributed to seniors over the age of 65 years, living at home and in nursing homes for the elderly (the period August–October 2013). All the 262 seniors involved to research were from South-Morava region. The average age of seniors living at home was 72.5 years, with seniors in nursing homes for the elderly 80.7 years. The average satisfaction with the quality of sleep (scale 1–5) at home was 2.24 and in homes for the elderly 2.47. Presence of rituals connected with sleeping was not significantly different depending on the environment of the elderly (p = 0.061). A statistically significant difference was confirmed in the event of a declared distracting depending on the environment of seniors (to the detriment of homes for the elderly, p = 0.0002). Feeling of seniors to be rested after a night sleep significantly decreases with increasing age, p = 0.028.
senior – sleep – sleep disorders – home for the elderly – home environment
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2015 Issue 5
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