Positive attitude of citizens towards general practitioners
B. Seifert 1; N. Král 1; S. Býma 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. lékařská fakulta, Ústav všeobecného lékařství, přednosta: doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph. D.
1; Lékařská fakulta Hradec Králové, Ústav sociálního lékařství, přednosta: doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Býma, CSc.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2014; 94(5): 235-238
Of different specialties
Little is known about how patients and lay population perceive general practitioners (GPs), how they evaluate and recognize them. Therefore the General Practice Society committee has made a decision to add few specific questions in a representative sociologic survey performed by Agency INRES.
Aims and methods:
The aim of the survey was to explore attitudes of people towards GPs and their performance, towards their role in mediating a specialized care, a journey through the health care system and towards their competences. An attention was paid to waiting times for specialist consultations, to pharmacies with regards to prescriptions administered by GPs, to a possible extension of prescribing competence of GPs and to OTC shopping in pharmacies.
The survey was designed as an independent sociologic one. The field work was done using a standardized guided interview among interviewer and respondent. SASD 1. 4. 10 was used for statistical analysis.
The survey showed a high level of patient satisfaction with GPs, with their availability and the way how they refer patients to specialized care. A majority of people would prefer GPs to prescribe medicaments otherwise limited only to specialists. Generic replacement in pharmacies is more frequent in seniors and low educated people and in bigger cities. The OTC market is growing with an impact on a clinical management.
attitudes of people towards GPs – mediating a specialized care – OTC shopping
1. Beneš V, Seifert B. Kvalita péče ve všeobecné praxi. Prakt. lék. 1997; 77(12): 597–599.
2. Seifert B. Metodika kvality ve všeobecném lékařství. Zdrav. Pojiš. rev. Lék. 2002; 5(3/4): 61–63, 1212–2904.
3. Struk P, Seifert B, Beneš V, a kol. Hodnocení primární péče. 2. část – přehled výsledků. Zdravotnictví v České republice 2005; 1: 4–13.
4. Mareš J. Zjišťování spokojenosti pacientů s poskytovanou péčí ve všeobecném praktickém lékařství [on-line]. Projekt MZDRP 0115H04. Hodnocení kvality ordinací praktických lékařů včetně bezpečí pacientů. Dostupné z: www.akva-pl.cz/dokumenty/ P13-Zjistovani_spokojenosti_pacientu.doc [cit. 2014-06-22].
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

2014 Issue 5
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