A review of guidelines for implementation of physical activity in the primary prevention of diseases
E. Sovová; D. Pastucha
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednostka: doc. MUDr. Eliška Sovová, Ph. D., MBA
; Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc
; Klinika tělovýchovného lékařství a kardiovaskulární rehabilitace
; Lékařská fakulta UP v Olomouci
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(8): 437-439
Various Specialization
Physical activity (PA) has a crucial role in the prevention and also in the treatment of all diseases. In this article we present a summary of current Czech, European and American guidelines for implementing PA in the prevention. Physicians should recommend PA because they are well respected by patients and their families. Because there is a need to inform physicians about the correct recommendations for PA, it is time to make new, more thorough Czech guidelines. These guidelines should not only include the most recent scientific knowledge, but they should target the Czech environment to allow patients to be more engaged in their well-being.
Key words:
primary prevention, physical activity, guidelines
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2012 Issue 8
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