Smoking and type 2 diabetes mellitus
N. Ghassan; D. Hrubá
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventivního lékařství
; Přednostka: prof. MUDr. Zuzana Derflerová-Brázdová, DrSc.
; Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity, Brno
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(6): 348-352
Of different specialties
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is both a serious disease in itself and an important risk factor for cardiovascular and oncological morbidity and mortality. The incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased worldwide. It is a multi-factorial disease, and smoking is among one of the main risk factors. Currently, associations between smoking and type 2 diabetes are generally accepted and scientists are concerned with the study of their causality. Smoking cessation is associated with a short-term increased risk, followed by a gradual decrease to the level typical for individuals who have never smoked. It is estimated that more than 90 % of type 2 diabetes is preventable by smoking prevention and lifestyle modification.
Key words:
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, smoking, smoking cessation.
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2010 Issue 6
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