Population immunity against hantavirus infection in two natural habitats
M. Pejčoch; B. Kříž; M. Malý
Authors‘ workplace:
Ředitelka: ing. Jitka Sosnovcová
; Státní zdravotní ústav v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(3): 167-170
Of different specialties
At least three hantavirus genospecies are circulating in natural habitats in the Czech Republic:
- Tula,
- Puumala,
- Dobrava - Belgrade.
All three viruses are pathogenic for humans and are able to cause nephropathia epidemica of varying degrees of seriousness. An outbreak of diseases caused by the Puumala virus occurred in the region in and around the town of Prachatice. We investigated the antibodies of a random selected 1081 sera of healthy persons from the affected region, which were deposited in the serum bank of the National Public Health Institute in Prague. Additionally we investigated 423 sera of healthy persons from the Vsetin area, where four cases of hantavirus infections were detected. 1.76% and 1.18% hantavirus immunity rate has been detected in the Prachatice area and Vsetin area respectively. This finding is in correlation with the results of studies performed in other parts of the country. It means that the overall risk of Hantavirus infection in the areas mentioned is not high. Therefore it is persons entering the Hantavirus natural foci for work or leisure activities who are mainly at risk of infection.
Key words:
hantaviruses, Puumala, seroprevalence, Czech Republic.
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