Current opinion on urogenital tuberculosis
R. Zachoval; P. Nencka; V. Vik; V. Borovička; P. Holý
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologické oddělení
; Primář: doc. MUDr. Roman Zachoval, PhD
; Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(12): 700-703
Urogenital tuberculosis is a relatively rare form of tuberculosis. Symptoms are non-specific and the latency between primary infection and onset of disease is long; therefore diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention are difficult. Urogenital tuberculosis should be considered when urological symptoms are prolonged and the diagnosis is unclear.
Diagnosis consists mainly of 5 consecutive urine cultures, molecular methods, imaging methods and examination of histological specimens. Antituberculous drugs are usually the primary treatment.
Surgical treatment comes after at least 4 weeks of antituberculous drug treatment with the exception of abscess drainage or diversion of hydronephrosis, which leads to a decreased incidence of ureteral strictures and renal function deterioration.
Key words:
tuberculosis urogenital, diagnosis, antituberculous drugs.
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2010 Issue 12
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