Present Possibilities to Influence Peri-operation Anemia in Patients with Alimentary Tract Tumors - Effect on Survival and Quality of Life

Authors: R. Šefr 1;  A. Randula 2
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické oddělení, přednosta MUDr. V. Chrenko, CSc. 2Oddělení onkologické intenzivní péče, přednostka MUDr. H. Buřilová Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno 1
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2003; (9): 526-529


Anemia is a common symptom in cancer patients and may have significant impacts not only onthe quality of life but also on locoregional relapses and overall survival.Despite this knowledge, anemia remains under-recognized and under-treated in the complex ofdiagnostic and therapeutic measures, at the same time, suboptimal management of anemiaoften reflect limitations of current therapies, varying practice strategies and the lack ofguidelines on how to treat anemia.Preliminary results of recent studies indicate that methods of blood loss substitution andanemia therapy may be an independent prognostic factor in cancer patients treated withsurgery, radiation, chemotherapy or combination of these.In a review article, current possibilities of perioperative anemia management are mentioned.The necessity of an interdisciplinary and coordinated approach tailored to each patient isstressed at the conclusion.

Key words:
surgery - anemia - substitution - gastrointestinal cancer- survival - quality of life.

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