Assessment of Chronic Gastritis in Clinical Practice

Authors: B. Fixa;  O. Komárková
Authors‘ workplace: 2. interní katedra LF UK, Hradec Králové, přednosta doc. MUDr. J. Bureš, CSc. Soukromá gastroenterologická ordinace, prof. MUDr. B. Fixa, DrSc., 2. interní klinika FN Hradec Králové
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2001; (1): 2-4


The authors summarize briefly the importance of chronic gastritis in clinical practice. They draw attention to inaccuracies of endoscopic evaluation of chronic gastritis and essential care when interpreting endoscopic conclusions such as antral gastritis, pangastritis etc. Based on their own experience and reflections and data in the literature, the authors emphasize the untenability tkat chronic gastritis is the cause of gastric dyspepsia. If chronic gastritis does not lead to dyspepsia, antihelicobacterial eradication treatment in all patients with dyspepsia and confirmed H. pylori infection („test and trest" systém) is not reasonable.

Key words:
: chronic gastritis - dyspepsia - Helicobacter pylori.

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