Prevalence of LymeBorreliosis in the West Bohemian Region in 1993-1997
P. Pazdiora 1; J. Benešová 2; O. Brejcha 3; A. Holeček J.kubátová 4 5; E. Machovská 6; I. Morávková 7; R. Ouřadová 8; M. Spáčilová 9; D. Turková 10; Z. Vodrážková 11; V. Štruncová 12
Authors‘ workplace:
Krajská hygienická stanice, Plzeň, ředitel MUDr. P. Tomašuk 2Okresní hygienická stanice, Sokolov, ředitel ing. P. Kutil 3 Okresní hygienická stanice, Plzeň-sever, ředitelka MUDr. D. Jarošová 4Okresní hygienická stanice, Tachov, ředitel MUDr. J. Holeček 5O
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 1999; (4): 209-213
In 1993-1997 3278 cases of Lyme borreliosis were reported to the hygiene service in the WestBohemian region. The highest specific morbidity was recorded in the population of the Tachovand Klatovy districts, the infection was most frequently transmitted in the districts of Klatovyand Plzeň-south. The ratio of serologically not confirmed cases declined to 21 %. Lymeborreliosis was more frequently diagnosed in women (60.4 % of recorded cases), the highestspecific morbidity was in age groups 35-74 and 5-14 years. Among clinical manifestationsaffections of the skin, locomotor and nervous system predominated. Notifications were mostfrequently made by general practitioners for adult patients, infectionists and dermatovenere-ologists. The authors discuss the validity of the records. During the mentioned period a markedincrease in the number of serological examinations for Lyme borreliosis occurred and thenumber of laboratories in the region engaged in making the diagnosis increased.
Key words:
Lyme borreliosis - serological evidence - transmission of infection.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
1999 Issue 4
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