Continuous monitoring of blood glucose in diabetes mellitus management – aid in individualization of treatment
Dana Prídavková; Udovít Šutarík; Peter Galajda; Marián Mokáň
Authors‘ workplace:
I. Interná klinika JLF UK a UN Martin
Published in:
Forum Diab 2019; 8(3): 213-219
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a method of recording blood glucose in interstitial fluid via a subcutaneous sensor with some time delay beyond the blood glucose determined by the bloodstream. It represents a diagnostically valuable modality that promotes patient cooperation, motivation and interest in the development of their disease. It provides doctors with information on glycemic development during the period under review and is also an essential component in the functioning of modern insulin pumps of the AID (automated insulin delivery) nature.
hyperglycemia – glucose variability – hypoglycemia – continuous glucose monitoring
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum

2019 Issue 3
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