Diabetic retinopathy 2: Treatment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema

Authors: Mária Molnárová
Authors‘ workplace: II. očná klinika SZU, NsP F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica
Published in: Forum Diab 2012; 1(2-3): 97-103


Treatment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema is based on the new knowledge in the pathogenesis of the disease. Treatment of DR and DEM has two levels: 1st level: good glycaemic control, which was confirmed by conclusions of clinical trials: Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, Diabetes Intervention and Complications Study and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, 2nd level: treatment of DR and DEM: lasercoagulation, intravitreal pharmacological therapy or surgical therapy. Clinical studies ETDRS, DRS, DRCR.net, RESTORE, RESOLVE, READ 1, READ 2, Macugen Diabetic Retinopathy Study Group and Da Vinci showed that visual acuity on treated eyes with lasercoagulation of DEM and DR stabilizes, in the intravitreal treatment in 50 % of patients can be significantly improved.

Key words:
diabetic retinopathy – diabetic macular oedema – good glycaemic control – laser therapy – intravitreal pharmacological therapy – surgical therapy


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