Massive Localized Lymphedema: A Reactive Lesion Resembling Liposarcoma.Case Report

Authors: K. Adamicová 1;  J. Váňa 2;  J. Celec 2;  P. Haluska 3
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav patologickej anatómie Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice a Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty, Martin2Chirurgické oddelenie Nemocnice s poliklinikou, Žilina 3Patologicko-anatomické oddelenie Nemocnice s poliklinikou, Žilina 1
Published in: Čes.-slov. Patol., , 2002, No. 3, p. 125-128


The authors present a case - history of massive localized lymphedema in a 54 year old femalepatient (height 167 cm, weight 113 kg). The history of the lymphedema lasted about 1 year. Itsgrowth was not accompained with subjective complaints. It was diagnosed as a pendulous tumorof soft tissues in the thigh, 70 x 65 cm large. In preoperative diagnosis it was classified asa liposarcoma. The tumor lesion was removed and sent for bioptic examinations. Both histologicaland immunohistochemical biopsies denied benign or malignant nature of the soft tissue tumorsand confirmed the diagnosis of a massive localized lymphedema.

Key words:
lymphedema - liposarcoma - obesity - reactive lesions

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