Child with VACTERL association – management, diagnostics and treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia
J. Jančíková 1; D. Bezděková 1; M. Urík 1; P. Jabandžiev 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské otorinolaryngologie Fakultní nemocnice Brno a Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně
1; Pediatrická klinika Fakultní nemocnice Brno a Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2021; 76 (1): 42-45.
Case Report
VACTERL association is a disorder that affects many body systems. VACTERL stands for vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities. People diagnosed with VACTERL association typically have at least three of these characteristic features. In children with significant perinatal risks, the dysphagia may be present. These children must be treated multidisciplinary. Examination by clinical speech therapist is important. Early rehabilitation of swallowing and orofacial stimulation are necessary for restoring swallowing.
VACTERL association – newborn – dysphagia – multidisciplinary monitoring – clinical speech therapy
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2021 Issue 1
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