The impact of ethnicity and the degree of integration/segregation of Roma ethnicity on anthropometric parameters in their newborns, born in northeastern Slovakia
S. Mrosková 1; A. Schlosserová 1; J. Kovaľ 1,2; M. Reľovská 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Prešovská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Prešov, Slovensko
1; Fakultná nemocnica J. A. Reimana, Klinika pediatrie, Prešov, Slovensko
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2019; 74 (6): 359-365.
Original Papers
Introduction: For the long-term, the Roma newborns have lower values on anthropometric parameters – predominantly birth weight. The degree of social and spatial integration or, the segregation of Roma pregnant women influences their way of life, and thus could secondary determine the anthropometric data of their children.
Objective: To analyze the influence of ethnicity and the degree of integration/segregation of Roma ethnicity on anthropometric parameters in newborns.
Methods: A retrospective collection of data from health records was carried out in the years 2013–2015 in children born in the Prešov Self-Governing Region. The following parameters included: birth weight (g), length (cm), head circumference (cm) and chest circumference (cm). Roma newborns were categorized into 3 groups: integrated, semiintegrated, segregated. The Mann-Whitney test was used for statistical analysis. We included 5459 newborns born in 37–42 weeks of gestation, of which 1721 (31.5 %) were Roma. In the group of Roma newborns, segregated Roma children dominated (n=1455, 26.7%). The worst parameters were recorded in a subgroup of segregated Roma newborns.
Results: We found significantly lower values of all anthropometric parameters in Roma newborns compared to non-Roma children. Increasing integration rates have a positive impact on the anthropometric data of infants at birth. The largest differences were found among a group of non-Roma and Roma children (birth weight: 460.8 g, length: 2.3 cm, head circumference: 1.6 cm, chest circumference: 1.2 cm), and between non-Roma newborns and an integrated Roma children (birth weight: 386.5 g, length: 2.0 cm, head circumference: 1.4 cm, chest circumference: 1.0 cm).
Conclusions: The anthropometry of integrated Roma children is likely to have a greater impact the genetics - the influence of ethnicity, the decreasing values of anthropometry in segregated newborns, apart from genetics, are also influenced by environmental factors.
newbord – anthropometry – Roma ethnicity – social integration
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2019 Issue 6
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