Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Bratislava highschool students – preliminary results of study „Respect for Health“
R. Kollárová 1; Z. Gerová 2; V. Potičný 3; K. Šebeková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav molekulárnej biomedicíny, Bratislavaprednosta MUDr. Ing. Mgr. P. Celec, PhD., MPH
1; Regionálny úrad verejného zdravotníctva, Bratislava, Slovenskovedúca odboru MUDr. A. Béderová, CSc.
2; Odbor zdravotníctva Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja, Bratislava, Slovenskoriaditeľ MUDr. V. Potičný, MPH
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2013; 68 (4): 211-218.
Original Papers
The aim of the ongoing study „Respect for Health“, organized by Bratislava Self-Governing Region in cooperation with the Regional Authority of Public Health in Bratislava, the Slovak Medical University and Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, is an effective prevention of cardiometabolic health in of high-school students in Bratislava region. In preliminary analysis, we evaluated prevalence of overweight and obesity - the risk factors for serious metabolic diseases even in childhood. Nowadays, in Slovak children and adolescents overweight and obesity are categorized according to age- and sex-specific percentile charts of BMI – the National standards from 2001 published by the Authority of Public Health. Recent, generally accepted standards are based on survey data from 2001, while BMI cut off points for adults remain the same in the long term.
We evaluated data from 2739 probands aged 14–21 years. Students were categorised as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese, using 4 different criteria - Slovak age- and gender-specific percentile charts of BMI for from 2001, from 1991, according to international cut off points for BMI for children and adolescents, correspon-ding with cut off points for adults, and using body fat percentage. In boys, frequency distributions obtained using different criteria differed significantly. In girls, using standards from 2001, 1991 and international cut off points led to similar distributions. Disregarding chosen criteria, prevalence of overweight and obesity was very hight in both genders, preliminary results indicate 2-to-3-fold increase during the last decade.
Key words:
prevalence of overweight and obesity, adolescents, diagnostic criteria for obesity
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2013 Issue 4
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