Pharmacoeconomics of Paediatric Asthmatic Patients in the Košice Region
F. Gazdík; A. Hrmová 1; K. Gazdíková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventívnej a klinickej medicíny, Bratislava Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou, Košice
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2002; (3): 110-118.
The increased incidence and Prevalence of asthma bronchiale is associated with social and economic Problems. Financial expenses increase every year. This is the reason for the interest of society in therapeutic management, which should be most effective.Objective: The authors analyzed therapeutic trendy in the management of bronchial asthma in selected out-Patient departments in the Košice region (Eastern 5lovakia) from the point of Pharmacoeconomic aspects. Materiál and methods: The statistical evaluation was based on data obtained from health records of a Pediatric Patients with the diagnosis of asthma bronchiale. Thirteen out-patient departments of allergology from the Košice region were included in the observation in year 2000. A total number of 291 Paediatric patients (196 mates - 66,67 %, 97 females - 33,33 % ), aged 1 to 17 years (average age 9.86 years) were included in the study.Results: The total expenses per day for alt Paediatric asthmatic patients represent 15 417 5kk (52.98 5kk/day/Patient). Cromoglycates (CR, 54.64%) were administered to most Patients followed by combined Preparation of R-mimetics (R-M) with CR (Ditec, 37.80%), inhaled corticosteroids (IC, 37.11%), shon-acting R-M (22.68%), long-acting R-M (16.15%), combined Preparations R-M with anticholinergics (ACTH) Berodual, Combivent (1.31%), long-acting theophyllins (T, 9.97%), antileucotrienes (ALT, 6.53%), oral R-M (5.15%), shon-acting T (2.41), ATCH (0.34%), respectively. Additive therapy included antihistaminics (AH, 73.88%), specific immunotherapy (56.70%), immunomodulatory therapy (52.92%), topical antihistaminics (35.40%, nasal and eyes drops), expectorants and antitussics (15.46%), respectively. As to financial expenses CR (23.31%) held the first Place followed by combined preparation R-M with CR-Ditec (12.09%), long-acting R-M (10.46%) and ALT (7.12%), shon-acting R-M (1.46%) and ACTH (0.04%). In the group of auxiliary drugs dominate systemic AH (17.41%). Conclusion: Our analysis shows that the therapeutic trend in the Košice region esere up to date and are comparable with those of international and 5lovak guidelines of asthma management. Antiinflammatory therapy was dominated by a therapeutic approach, especially represented by CR and IC. The optimal selection of antiasthmatic drugs must be kept in mind by physicians, because we can see some reserves in the selection of drugs (generic drugs), the cost of medication, therapeutic efficacy and patient's compliance.
Key words:
asthma bronchiale, antiasthmatic drugs, pharmacoeconomy
Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics
2002 Issue 3
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