Differential Diagnostics of Pruritus
R. Pánková
Authors‘ workplace:
Dermatovenerologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN
přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Štork, CSc.
Published in:
Čes-slov Derm, 87, 2012, No. 4, p. 130-135
Reviews (Continuing Medical Education)
Pruritus (itch) was defined as an unpleasant feeling with an urge to scratch. The neuromediators in the skin, spinal cord, hypothalamus and sensorimotor cortex participate on its origin and clinical course. Recently, the itch is understood as a homeostatic emotion such as feelings of pain, hunger or thirst. Symptomatic pruritus is a sign of multiple skin, internal, neurological, oncological and mental disorders, reactions to drug and histamine liberators in food and additives. Essential pruritus is defined as pruritus without the known origin. The diagnosis is made after thorough repetitive clinical, histopathological and laboratory examination to rule out any hidden causes. The pruritus is classified as local, generalized, acute and chronic. Therapy is topical and systemic. The patients suffering from pruritus have significantly decreased quality of life.
Key words:
pruritus – homeostatic emotion – differential diagnosis – therapy
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Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Dermatology

2012 Issue 4
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