C-reactive protein: a biomarker of secondary osteoporosis and fractures in chronic inflammatory diseases
J. Štěpán
Authors‘ workplace:
Revmatologická klinika 1. LF UK Praha
; Revmatologický ústav Praha
Published in:
Čes. Revmatol., 24, 2016, No. 3, p. 70-77.
Review Article
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), an acute phase serum component involved in inflammation, is associated with factors critical for physiology of musculoskeletal system. An association between circulating hsCRP level and bone mineral density, biochemical bone turnover markers and increased risk of fracture has been observed in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other inflammatory diseases. Moreover, subclinical low-grade systemic inflammation may be an important factor in bone turnover rate and bone mass. In healthy individuals, serum hsCRP concentrations greater than upper limit of reference range are associated with higher bone turnover rate and osteoporosis and/or osteopenia, and affect the risk of low impact fractures. CRP is negatively associated with appendicular lean mass
Key words:
High sensitivity C-reactive protein, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, fracture
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2016 Issue 3
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