Importance of outpatient ultrasonografically guided transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy in the decision algorithm of care for the infertile couple.
The results of the Centre for Assisted Reproduction Gennet Liberec 2012–2013
V. Mokrá; I. Petr; J. Soukeník
Authors‘ workplace:
Gennet Liberec s. r. o., pracoviště asistované reprodukce, vedoucí lékař MUDr. I. Petr
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2014; 79(3): 226-230
Evaluation of the benefits of outpatient ultrasonografically guided transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (UTHL) in the decision algorithm of care for the infertile couple.
A retrospective study.
Impact results of UTHL on the management of sterility treatment at 532 IVF center clients in the period between 1. 8. 2012 and 31. 12. 2013.
Physiological result was found in 46 cases (8.64%). Absolute tubal factor was confirmedat 56 cases (10.52%) – it means fluid absence in CD, relative tubal factor in 208 cases (39.09%), endometriosis in 159 cases (29.88%), adhesions in the abdominal cavity in 188 cases (35.33%), synechia of the cervix and/or in the uterine cavity in 35 cases (6.57%), polyp of cervix and/or in the uterine cavity in 38 cases (7.14%), hydrosalpinx in 31 cases (5.82%) , uterine anomalies in 17 cases (3.19%), myoma in 12 cases (2.25%) and tubal cysts at 5 cases (0.9%). 11 woman (2.06%) had adhesiones in places of punction in case we did not continue the operation. Complications have occurred in a total of 3 cases, one perforation of the uterine cavity and two women needed ATB therapy for infection (parametritis). One of them was admitted for one day observation.
Minimally invasive procedure at one day surgery enables comprehensive diagnosis and individualizing of therapeutic procedure in the treatment of infertility without delay and at with high degree of safety for the client.
transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy, ultrasonografically guided transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy, endoscopy, assisted reproduction, the infertile couple
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology
2014 Issue 3
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