Consequences of bicycle traffic accidents involving seniors
M. Bílová; M. Bíl
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i., Brno
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(3-4): 153-155
The paper analyses sequelae of traffic accidents involving senior cyclists. The paper is based on the available statistics on traffic accidents. We identified that, in comparison to other age groups, seniors suffer from more serious consequences; we expressed these as an accident seriousness factor, i. e. the proportion of fatal and serious injuries. The data on seniors are inferior in all categories to the data pertinent to other age groups. Bikeways should be constructed and used, protective helmets should be worn and tricycle use should be considered (tricycles are associated with fewer falls) as measures to alleviate the problem of relative dangerousness of bicycles for this age group.
cyclist traffic accidents – seniors – fatal injuries – tricycle
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2009 Issue 3-4
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