Indications for and opportunities provided by recanalization therapy of cerebral ischaemia, intravenous thrombolysis
D. Krajíčková
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika LF a FN Hradec Králové
Published in:
Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(2): 57-62
Reperfusi on is the most benefici al of all therape utical strategi es for acute ischemic stroke. Reperfusi on therapi es salvage penumbral tissue, reduce final infarct size, and enable improved clinical o utcomes. Beca use of the risk of hemorrhage, especi ally in the brain, thrombolytic therapy is restricted by guidelines with the large amo unt of the inclusi on and exclusi on criteri as adopted from the randomised clinical tri als, and only a small number of the pati ents are being tre ated. Some restricti ons lack sci entific basis. Now it is a right time for new insights. Combined intraveno us and intraarteri al recanalizati on (farmacological and mechanical) therapy appe ars safe and its benefit is currently under investigati on.
acute ischemic stroke – recanalizati on therapy – intraveno us thrombolysis – combined therapy – guidelines – criteri as for therapy
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
Czech Geriatric Review

2009 Issue 2
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