Endodontic Treatment with ApplicationEr:YAG Laser Radiation Desinfection
T. Dostálová; H. Jelínková; J. Dušková; J. Šulc; Martin Němec; D. Houšová; M. Krátký
Authors‘ workplace:
Výzkumný ústav stomatologický VFN, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. O. Krejsa, CSc. Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, ČVUT, Praha, děkan prof. ing. M. Havlíček, DrSc. Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering Department of Electrical Communicatio
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník , 2001, 5, s. 151-157
Conventional endodontic treatment is not fully effective due to the microbialcolonization of root canal walls dentin. Application of Er:YAG laser radiation thought movablewaveguide helps to receive antibacterial effect not only in root canal walls but also insurrounding tissues. Energy 100 mJ, 30 pulses, repetition rate 4 Hz is the optimal dose for restdisinfection effect.
Key words:
stomatology – endodontic treatment – Er:YAG laser
Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal
2001 Issue 5
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