Changes in Vocational and Social Inclusion in Patients Discharged from Day Treatment Program for Treatment of Psychotic Patients
O. Pěč 1; E. Dragomirecká 2; D. Čechová 3; J. Pěčová 3
Authors‘ workplace:
ESET, Psychoterapeutická a psychosomatická klinika, Praha
; ředitelé MUDr. O. Pěč, PhDr., J. Růžička, PhD.
Psychiatrické centrum Praha
1; ředitel prof. MUDr. C. Höschl, DrSc., FRCPsych.
Katedra psychologie FF UK, Praha
2; vedoucí PhDr. I. Gillernová, CSc.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 104, 2008, No. 7, pp. 343-349.
Original Article
Only insufficient number of studies was dedicated to the evaluation of day treatment programs treating patients with psychosis. Several present studies show some improvements in social competency and social skills of these patients being treated in group psychotherapy, complex programs of cognitive rehabilitation and social skills training. The aim of this study was to show if there might be some improvements in vocational and social inclusion in patients with psychosis after attending day treatment program consisting of these therapeutic methods. The other aim was to find out if there is any difference between the results in patients attending nine months of the program in comparison and the results of those who attended the program for a shorter period of time.
The retrospective survey of a sample of patients with prevailing schizophrenic and schizoaffective disorder who attended psychotherapeutic program consisting of group psychotherapy, cognitive rehabilitation, art therapy and social skills training in the length from 3 to 9 months found out that a status of vocational and social inclusion of these patients changed in comparison to the condition before the treatment. The status of inclusion was evaluated by a present employment status or by a present attendance of resocialization programs. Sixty nine per cent of these patients improved their status and 6.8% of them maintained it in 6 months follow-up (N=117) in a comparison to the status 6 months before the intervention. Analogically 78.9 % patients improved and 9.47 % maintained their status in 12 months follow-up (N=95) in comparison to the status 6 months before treatment. These results were statistically significantly different. The results of vocational and social inclusion in patients who attended 9 months of the treatment were only non-significantly better than in patients who attended less then 9 months of the treatment program.
The results indicate that there might be improvements in vocational and social inclusion in patients with psychosis who are feasible for day care. There were no significant changes between the results of the longer and shorter time of the treatment.
Key words:
psychotherapy, schizophrenia, day treatment program, vocational rehabilitation, employment rates.
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Czech and Slovak Psychiatry

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