Hoarding of Possessions and Animals
K. Chromý
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra psychiatrie IPVZ Praha
vedoucí prof. MUDr. K. Chromý, CSc.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 104, 2008, No. 1, pp. 22-26.
Comprehensive Reports
Extreme hoarding of items of low value and of animals in households is approached particularly as a problem of the sanitation, the fire- or the animal- protection. Hoarding has nevertheless the relationship to several mental disorders and the specialists could help to solve such situations.
Key words:
hoarding, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Diogenes syndrome, senior self-neglect.
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Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry

2008 Issue 1
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