Pharmacotherapy and Rehabilitation are a Complex
H. Kučerová
Authors‘ workplace:
Soukromá psychiatrická ordinace, Hranice na Moravě, vedoucí MUDr. H. Kučerová
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., , 2002, No. 6, pp. 348-349.
The author reflects on the need of rehabilitation in psychiatry, in particular in schizophrenicpatients. The impaired personality, communication and relations with people require rehabilitation.The applied techniques are individual and group techniques and are described as rehabilitationpsychotherapy. The author emphasizes also the need to use the most uptodate drugs and theimportance also the need to use the most uptodate drugs and the importance of a therapeuticatmosphere of security, acceptance and harmony.
Key words:
rehabilitation, psychotherapy, schizophrenia.
Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Psychiatry
2002 Issue 6
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