Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 4/2008
Review Articles
Original Articles
Synthesis, identification and physicochemical properties of novel potential ultrashort-acting beta-adrenergic blockers
S. Kečkéšová, E. Sedlárová, J. Csöllei, P. Mokrý
A study of the properties of tablets from two types of directly compressible xylitol
J. Mužíková, H. Komínková
Antiradical activity of substances with a potential effect on the cardiovascular system
R. Opatřilová, Z. Kupková, J. Csöllei
Monitoring of pharmacotherapy in seniors of rest homes in Brno region
L. Bartošíková, J. Nečas, T. Bartošík, J. Fráňová
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2008 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Actual acidity of the environment and efficacy of auxiliary substances used for antimicrobial stabilization of medicinal preparations prepared in pharmacies
- Monitoring of pharmacotherapy in seniors of rest homes in Brno region
- Antiradical activity of substances with a potential effect on the cardiovascular system
- A study of the properties of tablets from two types of directly compressible xylitol