Implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) in the process of preparation and administration of drugs
Š. Kozáková 1; V. Pechmann; R. Goněc 1; L. Doležalová 1; J. Štumpf 2; J. Rydval 3
Authors‘ workplace:
Masarykův onkologický ústav Brno, Ústavní lékárna
1; Progress Software s. r. o., Praha
2; IBM Česká republika s. r. o., Praha
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2009; 58, 119-124
Original Articles
The RFID project is focused on a multidisciplinary part of the healthcare system:
the use of cytotoxic drugs with a risk of cancerogenity and mutagenity in a process of oncological patient healthcare. Implementation of RFID technology means higher safety of preparation and administration of chemotherapy with respect both to the patient and personnel. RFID technology enables multiple and retrospective control of the constitution of preparation. RFID technology implementation will result in minimization of the professional failure during preparation and administration of chemotherapy. Successful running of RFID technology demands the integration of the hospital information systems GreyFox and Medea Panakea via the enterprise service bus Sonic ESB.
Key words:
RFID – cytostatics – oncology – chemotherapy – Progress Sonic – MOU
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3. Univerzitní nemocnice v Jeně modernizuje zdravotní péči s RFID od SAP. press.epx?pressid=6370, 23. 6. 2008
4. Cresswell, K. M., Sheikh, A.: Information technology-based approaches to reducing repeat drug exposure in patients with known drug allergies. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2008; 121, 1112–1117.
5. Interní směrnice a standardní Ústavní lékárny MOÚ*
6. Standardní operační postupy Ústavní lékárny MOÚ*
7. Technická dokumentace nemocničních informačních systémů Greyfox a Panakea*
8. Zadávací projektová dokumentace*
(*interní dokumenty MOÚ nebo dodavatelů)
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2009 Issue 3
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