Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 3/2009
Review Articles
Review of hydroxamic matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors and their therapeutic potential
J. Šille, V. Garaj, M. Šramko, M. Remko
A short introduction to algal and cyanobacterial constituents – the occurrence of phenolic metabolites
J. Vacek, M. Šnóblová, B. Klejdus
Original Articles
Formulation of chlorhexidin into gels
Z. Vitková, P. Herdová, M. Šubová, V. Šimunková
Implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) in the process of preparation and administration of drugs
Š. Kozáková, V. Pechmann, R. Goněc, L. Doležalová, J. Štumpf, J. Rydval
History of Pharmacy
Ointments in medieval Europe
P. Drábek
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2009 Issue 3
Most read in this issue
- Ointments in medieval Europe
- A short introduction to algal and cyanobacterial constituents – the occurrence of phenolic metabolites
- Review of hydroxamic matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors and their therapeutic potential
- A clinical study of the relationship of selenium plasma level to atopic dermatitis, a comparison of the results of determination using the methods of galvanostatic dissolution chronopotentiometry and atomic absorption spectrometry