TimeFactor andInstrumental Treatmentof Obstructionof theLacrimal Pathwaysin Child Age
M. Odehnal; V. Kozáková; A. Filouš; J. Malec
Authors‘ workplace:
Dětská oční klinika 2. LF UK, Praha - Motol, přednosta doc. MUDr. J. Korynta, CSc.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., , 2001, No. 3, p. 193-199
The authors evaluate the effectiveness of probing and rinsing of the lacrimalsystem in a group of 155 infants and young children (300 eyes) with congenitalobstruction of the lacrimal pathways. The mean age during the first treatmentwas 3.7 months - range 21 days to 24 months. Patency of the lacrimal pathwayswas achieved in 83.49% of the group. In children treated before the 6th month thepassage was restored in 91.30%. The effectiveness of procedures declines withadvancing age. In the author´s opinion it is best to make the operation betweenthe 4th and 6th month of age. The operation under local anaesthesia ensures inthe majority of children a rapid and permanent regression of complaints anda relatively small number of required repeated probings. At a later age the effectiveness of probes or rinsing declines and the solution is rather an indication forintubation of the lacrimal pathways or DCRS.One of the main still open questions for discussion is the optimal age for theoperation. The author discusses also views of adverseries of probing and theproblem of spontaneous canalization of the lacrimal pathways.
Key words:
epiphora, probing and rinsing of lacrimal pathways, spontaneouscanalization
OphthalmologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology
2001 Issue 3
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