Validation of the Czech language version of the DN4 and PainDetect questionnaire for diagnosing neuropathic pain
P. Krkoška *; A. Rajdová *; J. Bednařík; L. Ryba; B. Adamová; E. Vlčková
Authors‘ workplace:
Neuromuskulární centrum ERN, Neurologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
; P. K. a A. R. se podíleli na provedení, studie i přípravě manuskriptu stejnou, mírou
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2022; 85(1): 59-69
Original Paper
Background: Neuropathic pain is a frequent vlinical manifestation of many neurological disorders. Simple questionnaires mainly based on the presence of so called “neuropathic pain descriptors” represent the most important screening tool in the diagnosis of this condition. Aim: The aim of this study was to validate the Czech language version of two most frequently used questionnaires focused on neuropathic pain diagnosis by non-specialists, i.e., Douleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions (DN4cz) and painDetect (PDQcz). Patients and methods: Initially, the language validation of both questionnaires was performed. In the next step, two groups of patients were examined using these Czech language versions of both questionnaires: a group of patients suffering from peripheral neuropathic pain (in diabetic polyneuropathy or polyneuropathies of other etiology) (N = 65), and a group of individuals with nociceptive pain due to severe coxarthrosis or gonarthrosis or chronic low back pain (N = 74). Results: Both questionnaires proved to be easy-to-use and understandable. The patients with neuropathic pain reached significantly higher both partial and overall scores in both questionnaires compared to nociceptive pain patients. ROC analysis confirmed an excellent diagnostic validity of both questionnaires in the discrimination between neuropathic and nociceptive pain. However, the optimal cut-off with the highest possible diagnostic validity for the PDQcz was found significantly lower than had been recommended. Conclusions: The Czech language versions of both DN4 and PDQ questionnaires proved excellent diagnostic validity in the discrimination of neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Both of them thus can be recommended as easy and useful tools for diagnosis of neuropathic pain by non-specialists. To reach optimal diagnostic validity, the cut-off of the PDQ should be set lower than had been previously recommended.
questionnaire – Neuropathic pain – polyneuropathy – nociceptive pain – pain measurement – diabetic neuropathy – osteoarthrosis
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