Olfaction disorder after trans-nasal endoscopic surgery of pituitary adenoma
J. Lubojacký 1,2; M. Masárová 1,2; M. Plášek 1,2; T. Krejčí 3,4; P. Matoušek 1,2; R. Lipina 3,4; Pavel Komínek 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika otorinolaryngologie, a chirurgie hlavy a krku FN Ostrava
1; Katedra kraniofaciálních oborů, LF OU, Ostrava
2; Neurochirurgická klinika FN Ostrava
3; Katedra klinických neurověd, LF OU, Ostrava
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2022; 85(1): 33-37
Original Paper
Aim: Smell is often an underestimated sense; its loss leads to a decrease in quality of life with an increased susceptibility to depression. The aim of this work is to evaluate whether smell and nasal breathing deteriorate after trans-nasal endoscopic pituitary surgery. Patients and methods: In patients with pituitary adenoma indicated for endoscopic trans-nasal extirpation, smell (perfumed fixation test, olfactory questionnaire, Visual Analogue Scale), nasal breathing (Visual Analogue Scale) and postoperative nasal complications (synechia and septal perforation) using nasal endoscopy were evaluated preoperatively and four months postoperatively. Results: The study included 42 females and 40 males, with a mean age of 56 years. Anosmia was detected preoperatively in 11/ 82 (13.4%) patients. Postoperative olfactory deterioration occurred in 2/ 71 (2.8%) patients. Subjective deterioration of smell was observed in 9/ 82 (10.9%) patients and subjective deterioration of nasal breathing after surgery was observed in 3/ 82 (3.6%) patients. Postoperatively, 76/ 82 (92.7%) patients had no nasal complications. Synechia was observed in 6/ 82 (7.3%) patients, and septal perforation was not observed in any of the patients. Conclusion: This retrospective study showed a very low risk of olfactory disorders and impaired nasal breathing after trans-nasal pituitary adenoma surgery. Nasal complications were observed infrequently and did not aff ect nasal functions.
Pituitary adenoma – endoscopic trans-nasal approach – trans-sphenoidal approach – olfaction
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