Microscopic detection of Cryptococcus in the cerebrospinal fluid as the first symptom of the advanced stage of AIDS – a case study
M. Dastych 1; Z. Čermáková 1; P. Štourač 3; A. Ševčíková 2; I. Kocmanová 2; S. Snopková 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení klinické biochemie a hematologie FN Brno a Katedra laboratorních metod LF MU
1; Oddělení klinické mikrobiologie FN Brno
2; Neurologická klinika FN Brno a LF MU
3; Klinika infekčních chorob FN Brno a LF MU
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2008; 71/104(1): 93-96
Case Report
Opportune infections may be the first serious symptom pointing to the underlying disease in persons with T lymphocyte immunodeficiency. The case study describes the occurrence of Cryptococcus meningitis as the first symptom of advanced HIV/AIDS disease. The diagnosis resulted from a rigorous cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. The microscopic finding was confirmed by a latex test and cultivation with massive growth of Cryptococcus neoformans. Subsequently, HIV/AIDS was diagnosed, with anamnestically documented risk homosexual and heterosexual activit.
Key words:
cryptococcal meningitis – opportunistic infections – cerebrospinal fluid – HIV/AIDS
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

2008 Issue 1
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