Sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease
MUDr. Ondřej Ludka; Ph.D. 1,2; doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kára; Ph.D. 1,3; MUDr. Adéla Drozdová 1,3; MUDr. Miroslav Moráň 1,4; MUDr. Pavel Matuška; Ph.D. 1; MUDr. Pavel Homolka; Ph.D. 1,5; MUDr. Filip Souček 1,3; Ing. Miloš Bělehrad 1; MUDr. Petr Hude; Ph.D. 3; MUDr. Jan Krejčí; Ph.D. 3; prof. MUDr. Lenka Špinarová; Ph.D. 3; Ilona Hrubá 1; Prof. MUDr. Jiří Vítovec, CSc. 3; Prof. MUDr. Miroslav Souček, CSc. 1,6; prof. MUDr. Jindřich Špinar, CSc. 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu – Kardiovaskulární spánkové výzkumné centrum
LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
1; Interní kardiologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
2; Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu –
I. interní kardioangiologická klinika LF MU
a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
3; Neurologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
4; Klinika tělovýchovného lékařství a rehabilitace
LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
5; II. interní klinika LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
oludka@fnbrno. cz
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2013, 15(2): 87-93
The most common breathing disorders during sleep include sleep apnea, which can be divided into obstructive and central. While central sleep apnea occurs most frequently in patients with heart failure, obstructive is more common in patients with hypertension, arrhythmias, stroke or coronary artery disease. Epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic studies provided convincing evidence of an association between obstructive sleep apnea and increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Obstructive sleep apnea is also a modifiable risk factor when treatment with continuous non‑invasive positive pressure ventilation might lead to reduction of early signs of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis, lowering of blood pressure and nonfatal cardiovascular events and mortality associated with cardiovascular disease. However, up to 85% of patients with clinically significant and treatable obstructive sleep apnea were never diagnosed and therefore not treated. It is therefore important to develop a diagnostic strategy oriented towards the detection of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with cardiovascular disease.
obstructive sleep apnea – central sleep apnea – morbidity – mortality – cardiovascular disease
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2013 Issue 2
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