Complications of infrainguinal revascularization procedures in elderly patients
P. Šeliga; J. Vaško; P. Kováč; M. Šimko 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddelenie cievnej chirurgie FNsP J. A. Reimana, Prešov, Slovenská republika
; Oddelenie rádiodiagnostiky FNsP J. A. Reimana, Prešov, Slovenská republika
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2012, 14(1): 31-35
Complications of infrainguinal revascularization procedures in elderly patients.
The authors analyse complications of surgical lower extremity arterial reconstructions in elderly patients. They evaluate experiences and treatment results in patients with this complications.
It is a retrospective analysis of the patients hospitalized during years 2003–2008 at the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Teaching Hospital J. A. Reimana with complication after surgical lower extremity arterial reconstruction. During study period they executed 251 lower extremity arterial reconstruction in 209 patients 70 years of age or older. They divide postoperative complications into general, local vascular and local non-vascular.
From general complications cardiac complications were recorded in 21 patients (8.37%), respiratory complications in 8 patients (3.19%), neurologic complications in 2 patients (0.80%), hematological complications in 21 patients (8.37%) and acute renal insuficiency in 2 patients (0.80%). During study period from local vascular complications 33 cases of reconstruction trombosis occured (13.15%), reconstruction infection occured in 7 cases (2.79%), anastomotic pseudoaneurysm in 1 case (0.40%), hemorrhage in 12 cases (4.78%), failing reconstruction in 6 cases (2.39%) and deep vein trombosis in 1 case (0.40%). From local non-vascular complications of lower extremity arterial reconstructions lymphoceles and lymphatic fistulas occured in 4 cases (1.59%), postoperative extremity edema in 22 cases (8.76%), compartment syndrome in 3 cases (1.20%) and ischemic neuropathy in 2 cases (0.80%).
Revascularization procedures in elderly patients with acute and chronic lower extremity ischemia are absolutely indicated. Infrainguinal reconstructions have good long term patency rate, limb salvage and functional outcomes. Old age patients aren’t contraindicated for lower revascularization procedures.
infrainguinal revascularization – geriatric age – complications
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2012 Issue 1
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