Monitoring peroral anticoagulation therapy in outpatient practice
M. Penka; J. Gumulec; A. Buliková; M. Matýšková; P. Smejkal; J. Kissová; M. Šlechtová; J. Novotný; G. Chlupová
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2007, 9(3): 159-164
Cumarins are typically used in outpatient practice and the spectrum of patients taking cumarin anticoagulants is expanding. At the same time, the conditions for and the range of possible indications, as well as the monitoring of the effect and the adjustment of treatment
are changing - both on the part of the general practitioner treating the patient or the specialists involved in the treatment of such patients, and on the part of the patients themselves. Growing knowledge also changes the philosophy of treatment as such, the approach to the treatment and to its concomitant or relevant circumstances.
thrombosis – cumarins – warfarin – point of care testing – outpatient care – home treatment
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2007 Issue 3
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