Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 4/2020
Doporučené postupy anestezie u pacientů trpících vzácným onemocněním v češtině – „“
M. Kosinová, M. Klincová, M. Vavřina, O. Smékalová, P. Štourač
Original Article
Effect of midazolam and dexmedetomidine on heart ventricles function using MRI – a pilot randomized study
N. Omran, V. Skálová, D. Fĺak, J. Manďák, R. Škulec, V.- Černý
Audit of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery
P. Domecký, L. Hauschke, V. Černý, J. Malý
Review Articles
Our article after ten years: The practice of therapeutic mild hypothermia in cardiac arrest survivors in the Czech Republic
R.- Škulec, A. Truhlář, J. Knor, J. Šeblová, V.- Černý
Hemadsorption therapy in critically ill patients – double blind bet?
J. Horák, J. Chvojka, V. Tégl, L. Nalos, M. Peltanová, J. Beneš, M. Matějovič
Insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and protein catabolism in the critically ill: looking for keys of the locked door
B. Bakalář, R. Zajíček, F. Duška
Case Reports
Suspected immune thrombocytopenia associated with Crohn’s disease
L. Reková, M. Bohoněk, T. Tyll
Diagnostika COVID-19 pneumonie pomocí výpočetní tomografie, naše zkušenosti
J. Ferda, H. Mírka, J. Baxa, M. Matějovič, J. Beneš
New Guidelines
Clinical Physiology
Hypoxia and hypercapnia – how do the chemoreceptors work?
D. Astapenko, V.- Černý
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2020 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Tranexamová kyselina
- Hypoxia and hypercapnia – how do the chemoreceptors work?
- Audit of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery
- Insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and protein catabolism in the critically ill: looking for keys of the locked door